3-Step Marketing for Personal Trainers Right Now

Marketing for personal trainers during COVID19 has changed. So many fitness businesses are simply stalled. Trainer are worrying and waiting to find out what’s going to happen. You may be worried about whether you have a job when this is over.

That’s no way to spend this time. If you’re serious about loving fitness and your fitness career, worrying and waiting will not help you.

Fitness businesses and personal trainers who’ve never been online are making mistakes. They have no idea what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. You may feel like I just described you. That’s okay.

Right Now Marketing for Personal Trainers

Now is the time. You’ve got to do it strategically and realize the value of right now for establishing your future in the business.

You can create leverage with this 3-step plan for marketing for personal trainers during COVID19.

While it’s true every trainer, fitness instructor, yoga teacher, and strength coach everywhere is doing videos online right now, your customers followed you for a reason. They are loyal to you. They want leadership from you. And if it’s working for them they will share it with others.

Ready to Stop the Worrying and Waiting?

You’re going to do these 3 things. (Step #2 actually has to come first.)

1) Create a video a day and get it out there

Do it live (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or all three simultaneously).

In every single video you’ve got to create a call to action (CTA). You ask them to comment, to share, to use your hashtag, to add emojis that describe their day. Always ask or instruct viewers to do something so you create engagement.

Download the live and upload host it on Vimeo or Wistia.

Embed that video on your website.

Email your clients and full email list (separately) to tell them about the video creating an email that is appropriate for each.

2) Before you begin plan.

A lack of strategy is the reason your social media or any marketing doesn’t work. If you (or your boss) has ever asked, does it even work? Is it even worth it? The answer is yes. It does. If you have a strategic plan.

If you’ve just created a bunch of workout videos… that can be used in no particular order (meaning have no particular progression) they’ll get no particular results.


If you believe that any random exercise will get results then you should just advocate your clients go follow random videos on YouTube, right?

But you don’t.

You believe that there is a start and a next step and a next step and so on. And that proper form matters.

And that a person has to understand what and why as well as how.

And something about the way you do it is unique.

Marketing for Personal Trainers now Distinguishes You

Focus not on random exercise videos for strength, or intervals, or core, but solve a SPECIFIC right-now problem for your clients.

Consider a variety of things but plan them. Will you include stretching, strength, corrective exercise, mindset, nutrition?

Don’t know? Do your first video as a chat. ASK your clients via the video and via email or text. “What do you need right now… What is your biggest challenge?” is a powerful question. Let them tell you what their problem is. Then decide how you’ll solve it.

Start. Do one a day for the first week. Look at what’s most popular, commented on, shared and adjust based on that.

3) Start planning a low-ticket offer.

You need to give first. Right now you have a skill and you have knowledge people need. Serve and create rapport.

But what you have is valuable and needed. Create something small that is easy for someone to do right now. Small is relative to what you usually charge.

Are you a trainer who usually charges $60 a session? Create something that solves a problem people have now that is $19 or $27. Maybe it’s a e-book or a 7 day challenge.

Do you have $297 programs? Maybe you do a virtual group program for $47 for 8 weeks for right now. People can do something like that once they get to know you. If you’re solving a problem they know they have and they’re looking for an answer to they will.

The Time is Right

When you’ve given and served the time is right to make a low-ticket offer. You’ll want a funnel that makes it possible for someone to buy something more too. That “upsell” might be a get-started goal setting private session with you, it might be a nutrition plan to go with your low-ticket fitness plan. Your upsell might be weekly private coaching. The goal is to make the upsell feel like the better-results option or the done-for-you option, or be a complimentary part of the program. It should make it easier to do the program and get results.

There is a time to sell. Now it’s not time to avoid selling. It’s time to do it with consciousness. Be appropriate and aware of the problems that exist now that didn’t 5 weeks ago.

Your clients shouldn’t be doing the same thing they were then.


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