Fitness Professionals | Communicate During a Pandemic

Communicate During the Pandemic

Been slow to communicate during the pandemic because you’re so worried about getting it right?

What you already really know is that you have to get into action to get it right.

Ongoing learning, listening, and growing/pivoting.

How to be in charge of supporting the community.

You can’t operate in a silo.

Not one where your department does it’s own thing.

Not one where your business does it without reaching out to support other businesses and the people in it that you serve.

Be the change the world cries out.

Step Up

Don’t wish it was easier.

Don’t worry and wait for it to go back, or just to ride the wave.

You can be the change.

You will get it wrong, then right, then wrong again.

Ask anyone in business whose been there for decades. If you want to stay around you do need to be moving forward every day.

You may have very little in the bank account.

You may not know what the next week looks like.

But you have today.

You can take small actions every day.

One thing about business that was true 6 months and a year, and 5 years ago IS still true today.

How to Communicate During a Pandemic

Call someone specific and offer a specific solution to their specific problem. Paint the picture of how that will help them.

Worry less about what you’ll charge and how you’ll deliver it.

If you tend to start thinking “but that won’t work because…” you’ve got to flush those thoughts out.

If you’re surrounded by people who respond that way at a meeting, you’ve got to remove them from your presence or remove yourself.

You don’t have time to have patience right now for people who can’t pivot, be flexible, and who don’t want to do things differently.

They won’t make it. But you can.

Just Start

You don’t need overhead. You don’t need to buy equipment or tools.

You do need a step-by-step action plan to leverage skills you already have with problems your market has and provide answers.

Take Action

The steps are simple.

Make calls. Make one a day.

Ask what the individual’s biggest struggles are right now. (energy, sleep, stress)

Ask what they’re doing about it.

Ask how it’s working.

Offer one or two small tips to help them implement right now.

Ask if they would like more help.

Empathize with the fact that right now it’s hard to focus with so many variables and changes happening around us.

Ask if they would like help from you.

Answer that you want to find a solution that would be easy to say yes to.


Ask, I could do that, would it be helpful?

If we can find the right time and best way to support you, would you want to proceed.

Examples given during the podcast for taking it one step further.

You can communicate during the pandemic in a way that will lead to breakthroughs in your relationships.


Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist

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