Copywriting for Marketing to Women Course | Health & Fitness Coaches
… Write Copy that Connects.
Then Converts.
THIS IS the TIME the Best stand out
How much are the words you’re using hurting you?
Reg. $197
Currently just $97*
*price guaranteed only though September 12, 2024 at 11:59pm MST
What’s the one skill all fitness & health coaches needs?
Copywriting for fitness & health coaches is not taught in school or in traditional certification courses. It’s definitely not taught in English lit and it’s not taught in communications 101.
Yet, now more than ever, you’re going to connect with a client online first. So, with everything you create – from your social post, your business page, or your website – before you’ll ever get a chance to talk in person, what you say is the difference between it being you and someone else that they hire.
That is copywriting.
It’s not an accident. [Or if you’ve gotten lucky, it’s time to nail down just exactly why that’s true so you can repeat it on purpose over and over.]
Your business may have shut down or even been closed during 2020- 21. But your emails and your social media were open 24-7.
If you didn’t have MORE engagement on your social media, and higher email opens and clicks during the pandemic, then something needs attention right now.
If they had depended on you for health and fitness tips and knowledge before the pandemic, but didn’t rely on you while they were stranded at home, then you need to look hard at why they wouldn’t have come to you as their source of information.
- Did you miss the opportunity to nurture them when they needed guidance and connection?
- Did you miss the opportunity to share resources and solutions to new problems during the pandemic?
- Did you, in not knowing what to say, stay quiet?
So many fitness pros experienced one or more of those things. But others stepped in and stepped up. And you can still make a comeback.
Whether you are trying to survive and make that comeback, or you’ve transitioned during the pandemic and want to make this your best year, you need copywriting skills.
“Debra, can’t I just hire someone like you who is a great copywriter for fitness instructors? Why do I have to get good at writing copy?”
The RIGHT words at the RIGHT time to the RIGHT people (your ideal customer) Get people to get out their CC.
Even if you think you’ll hire a copywriter, for fitness instructors, or have, no one will ever know your customers the way you do. So, learn to write for your customers. Once you learn, you can easily outsource the right pieces of projects, while getting better results.
I’ve hired Facebook ad managers and then took back the copywriting. They know about ads, but I know my audience better. I’ve taken back control, because they didn’t have a clue about the words to use and how to use them.
By managing the copy, and letting them manage the ads, we had an 80% return on ad investment in the last 3 months. (80%! – I want to do that all day – every day.)
The world has changed. What you did pre-pandemic will not work. Problems you solved before are not the same problems people face now. Will weight loss always be a thing? Yes. But if you miss the fact that we’re post- pandemic and the incentives, motives, the what people are willing to do has changed dramatically, you’re message is old and it is ineffective.
If your ads simply speak to the need to exercise but ignore the emotional reasons your customers each uniquely get started, you’ll lose. Even if you have the better program. You have to give them what they want, based on the emotional reasons they want it.
If you continue to sell the same service (as pre-pandemic and mid-pandemic) with the same words only simply “online” and think that’s a mid or post-pandemic model, you’ll miss the most intimate way to connect with customers in a way that makes them say, “She gets me.”
What is the one thing all success fitness & health coaches must have in order to connect with potential customers?
Words that work. Copywriting.
There’s no way around it. You’re doing it. You’re writing emails, blogs, and posts. You’re creating sales pages and product descriptions. Is it working or does it s#*k?
It’s like nutrition.
Every bite on the end of that fork either moves you closer to health or to closer to illness.
There’s no “neutral.” Your fitness copywriting hurts or helps you.
If you think because someone didn’t “unsubscribe” from your email or unfollow you, that you’re doing well, you’re mistaken.
You want two things from every email:
- Sales
- Unsubscribes
You want and need to clear your email list of people who just sit there and don’t want additional services.
Gym owner? You want your “members” on a separate list from your selling emails. From that large list, you want segments of interests so you send people ONLY what triggers them. If you have someone in charge of your email communications who doesn’t know how to segment your email lists? They need training in how to use your CRM, or they need to be replaced. They’re killing your relationships with your members and leaving money on the table.
- Connect with prospects looking for solutions
- Express the problem they have better than they do
- Build rapport with those seeking support
- Simplify your message
- Appear approachable
- Stop confusing and clever jargon
- Position yourself as the credible expert guide (not the hero)
- Provide ethical emotional pull that moves someone to action
….you remove 90% of the obstacles to growing your business.
You may need to be in front of more eyeballs but that is an easy fix. Before you do that, you have to know what you say is working.
- Your social media posts get engagement.
- Your emails get open.
- Your videos get watched.
- Next steps to work with you get taken.
"I feel like I'm in the right place, working with you Debra!"
Click play below to hear the experience Cam Olyer had with this copywriting course
Do you believe what you do improves the quality of life for the people you want to work with?
If yes, then … this really IS for you. Copywriting for health & fitness professionals is not about salesy, sleazy, pushy content that sounds like every other health pro.
Do you know your customer better than anyone else? Then done-for-you is not the answer if you want to stand out.
Think about the most important moments in your life.
- Will you…
- I do.
- I’m pregnant.
- He’s gone.
- I’m so sorry.
- I love you.
- You’re the love of my life.
- He’s perfect.
- If I could have…
Pivotal moments in life are defined by words.
Watch this short clip from the course to see how I help you identify the words to use… so you become the guide they trust.
Mastering this skill will ensure that even if you do hire a copywriter for fitness professionals, that you can evaluate whether or not their work is good – and good for your audience.
- Do you serve women?
- Do you want to know them better than your competition?
- Do you want to be more confident when you push “send” that you wrote a strong message your audience will love?
- Do you want to know exactly how to increase your sales, your social proof, and your following? (without feeling sleazy, pushy, and salesy)?
If you said yes, then I have something for you…
Right Now for just $97*
*price guaranteed only though September 12, 2024 at 11:59pm MST
What Others Are Saying…
Debbie Thompson
Copywriting Course Student & Mastermind Member
Linda Wilson
Copywriting Course Student
Click Play to hear the story. I was in a rough spot, not that long ago…
See a small clip with important words to use
I can’t make this Sh** up!
Five years ago, I had a small email list and a small monthly revenue of about $5000. I don’t know if $5k sounds good to you or not, but considering my rent was $3000/mo, it wasn’t only not pretty…
It was dire straights.
Can you imagine pawning jewelry at 49 years old, just to pay for Facebook ads? Did that.
Saw a therapist for the first time, who asked if I’d thought of harming myself. (I hadn’t, and since she waited until the second session to ask, I thought, hmmm…. wouldn’t that have been a good 1st session question? and stopped my therapy sessions with her immediately).
I started O-V-E-R at 49. Let me be clear – literally started over. This wasn’t a hobby, I had no spouse to rely on, no “real” job (I quit), and that first year I spent a lot more money than I made, to the tune of putting my house up for sale.
So, yeah, I can laugh about that now, but not so much then.
Here’s the point though…
If you’re thinking, well that worked for her, but it won’t for me, or it was easy for her, she’s been doing this so long… Think again. Yes, I’ve been a fitness pro for 37 years, but I gutted my life and my professional income in 2013. And I wasn’t born with a silver spoon trust fund either. I had $13,000 in my bank account at one point, next to nothing coming in, and zero assets except my car left. Scary AF.
And today I can say I make 6 figures a month.
Read that again.
I love my customers. And if you feel the same about your customers – more than “what you do” or your passion – then you can create ANYTHING.
I’m going to teach you how to connect with customers, build rapport with customers, move them into action…. ethically in a way only you can… so you can stand out and have a unique relationship no one else can copy. (They’ll try. Trust me they’ll try. The ones who don’t have copywriting skills will copy when they see what’s working, but they can’t steal the things I’m going to teach you).
For the first time I’m teaching you the content from a book (to be published later this year) on Marketing to Women for Health & Fitness Professionals. The workshop is Copywriting for Marketing to Women for Health & Fitness Coaches and happens right now.
This was a bonus training workshop for the Flipping50 Specialist Mastermind. I’m opening it up to you because there has never been a more important time to dial in your message. Not in your words, but HERS. Attract new fitness & health clients with copywriting tips only you can write.
No woman buys something unless she feels the right thing before a purchase.
(I promise the time will fly and you’ll wish it was all day)
- 5 Profiles of Female buyers
- 12 Emotional word families that work (ethically) to move women to action with you
- How to Write Copy Others Want to Copy but Can’t (you have something no one else does)
- How to write sales pages, emails, social posts, craft titles, subject lines (and to tweak existing copy so it performs better) that brings you ideal customers you love to work with and can help best.
=> 5 Templates for infinite use
- Emails
- Sales Pages
- Social Media posts
- Titles
- Subject lines
=> 3 Hours of Workshop time
(so you can write that sales letter in session, not leave confused or overwhelmed)
Broken into small chunks so you can consume the course however you’d like to: binge in an afternoon, or take it in small bits every day for a week. Either way, review it whenever you like: you’ve got lifetime access.
=> Hear Real Examples to Make Marketing Tips Come to Life
…So that you’re confident your emails touch lives, and evoke emotions that make your ideal customers want to take action… with YOU.
…So you can stop doubting whether the world needs one more trainer or health coach and whether you can really do this based on your definition of success.
Look, it doesn’t matter if you want to have a non-profit and do this in your spare time, or you want to take that hobby and make real revenue and enjoy a life and lifestyle you love. You want to help people. To do that, you have to connect with them.
Click the button and register. Seriously, I made this so easy to say yes to on purpose. How much do you charge per hour? Do another session and make this work. A $97 workshop that up levels every single message you write, speak, post, email, and video?
Could make you a million dollars. If you need help realizing that, I’ll work on your mindset too.
Reg. $197
Right Now just $97*
*price guaranteed only though September 12, 2024 at 11:59pm MST
Fitness marketing isn’t something taught in schools or in certification courses, but it’s something you can learn, and love. Copywriting tips will connect you to an audience you already love so they’ll trust you.
If you already have copy, you can use it and tweak it. If it’s not performing, you’ll learn how to get it to perform. If it’s good, you’ll learn how to make it great. If you don’t have copy, you’ll create some that is rockstar out of the gate.
And you’ll learn how to systematically review all of your copy to attract more of your ideal customers. Look, I’m not a fitness marketing expert, I’m a fitness marketing surgeon. I’ve been writing the copy – and getting results – for letters (before email), ads, and products for fitness businesses since 1987. I’ve made tons of mistakes in order to find what works… and I can spare you of those. Before you try to hire a someone who claims to be a copywriter for fitness instructors, identify what works for your customers. You know them better than anyone else does.
Only $97*
*price guaranteed only though September 12, 2024 at 11:59pm MST
Start Getting Better Results Now
What if every message was Even JUst 10% better?
Only $97*
*price guaranteed only though September 12, 2024 at 11:59pm MST
- 5 Templates you can use for infinity for your most important copywriting needs (and MAYBE a bonus one because I can!)
- 5 Personality Profiles of Female Buyers
- Dozens of emotional words that ethically encourage your ideal customer
- How-to harvest your personal stories so no one can "copy your copy"
- The exact copywriting strategy I used to reach a 6 figure monthly revenue
- 3-hour workshop to combine learning with real time completion of your biggest copywriting needs (and the replay)
- Sale page, titles, emails, social media, or video scripts feedback live in session
- All without.. feeling sleazy, salesy, or spammy
3-part workshop to define your ideal customer, identify 5 female buyer profiles, 5 templates for your emails, titles/subject lines, social media, and webpages, and video scripts.
Only $97*
*price guaranteed only though September 12, 2024 at 11:59pm MST
What you want your customers to say, too…
I felt like Debra was talking to me.
~ Jodi
My husband made me promise before he passed to continue with Flipping 50 because he knew how much it means to me.
~ Laurie
I just found you a few weeks ago and I’m so glad I did. Finally, someone who understands us in menopause!
~ Nancy
– The Hormone Balancing Fitness Expert
Debra has been speaking on fitness and life-enhancing topics for 37 years.
She led a team of over 20 trainers at three facilities to their best seven years ever in the worst-economy ever by applying marketing and sales training techniques that work. Then gutted her life and work and went from nothing (actually less than nothing) to 6-figures a month.
She is an expert fitness marketing curator, creator, bestselling author, and international Fitness Business presenter (Can-Fit-Pro, SCW, Fitness Fest, IDEA, Athletic Business, NSCA, ICAA, Filex, Medfit).
So, you feel ecstatic after getting your new midlife clients, but…
They’re always looking for support. They’re easy to get and hey, they much rather work with a woman who gets it. So you have become the trainer that others recommend because you work with a lot of midlife women.
You never exactly started out to work with them specifically but you love the idea and you are enjoying being the go-to trainer for them. It’s fun to connect with other women and give them something of value. You love sharing your passion for exercise, health, and wellness with them. Even though things have changed a little this past year, your finding your way around offering services for those that want to work with you.
You’ve got her doing “all the things”… HIIT, and strength training, clean eating. She’s intermittent fasting and putting in extra time doing cardio on her own. You’re going over her food log and changing that weekly and still? Nothing. She’s starting to cancel and she’s got an attitude. She’s beginning to get the “what difference does it make” attitude because nothing seems to work.
You are so not alone. Look, I hear from trainers and from dissatisfied customers every day that what they’re doing isn’t working. Not only are they not getting results, they’re getting worse. They’re more tired, more sore, experiencing injuries and not losing the weight or getting the flat belly they want. Trainers are pulling their hair out, and hey, if you’re a female trainer you’re not immune yourself to hormone changes.
- ABSOLUTE CLARITY: You will understand exactly why the typical training doesn't work before you go to work with menopause clients!
- CERTAINTY: No more guessing whether or not your process really works or what to do next! It does and it will!
- SAVE YOUR TIME: With all the science & statistics provided you don't have to spend time searching for with time you don't have!